
Register Schedule Templates

Only admins and leaders with editing permissions can register group templates.

1. What are Schedule Templates?

A schedule template is a predefined form containing detailed information needed to register a schedule. There are two types of schedule templates: Group Templates and My Templates. (Note: My Templates can only be created via the app.)

  • Group Templates: These are schedule templates that can be used universally within a specific group when assigning employee schedules or when employees request schedule changes. Only admins and leaders with editing permissions can create group templates.
  • My Templates: These are personal templates that can be freely added, edited, and deleted by employees for individual use.

Using templates eliminates the need to repeatedly enter schedule details, making it easier to modify schedules quickly. This is especially beneficial for companies with rotating shifts. For example, a rotating three-shift system (morning/afternoon/evening) can be effectively managed using templates.

2. Granting Permission to Edit Group Templates

Only admins can grant permissions to edit group templates.

  1. Go to Dashboard > [Features Used] > [Schedule].
  2. Under the detailed settings, click the [Permission to Edit Templates] button to grant editing permissions.

3. Adding Templates

Creating Group Templates via Dashboard
  1. Navigate to Dashboard > [Schedule] > [Manage Templates].
  2. Select [Add Template].
  3. Choose the Schedule Type (Work/Off/Vacation/Training/Others) and enter the necessary details for each type.
  • The group using the template refers to the group that will utilize the template for schedule changes. Admins can select all company groups, while leaders can select from their assigned management groups.
  • Vacation templates are limited to vacation types that leaders are authorized to assign.

Creating Group Templates via App
  1. On the Leader Mode home screen, tap the menu button in the bottom-right corner.
  2. From the navigation screen, select [Schedule].
  3. Tap the edit button in the bottom-right corner to switch to schedule editing mode.
  4. In the template selection area at the bottom, tap [Details >] to view the templates registered for the selected employee’s group.
  5. Tap the Add Template button in the bottom-right corner.
  6. Register the template using the same steps as the Dashboard.

Creating My Templates via App

My Templates are personal schedule templates for individual use.

  1. On the Employee Mode home screen, tap the menu button in the top-left corner.
  2. From the navigation screen, select [Schedule].
  3. Tap the edit button in the bottom-right corner to switch to schedule editing mode.
  4. In the template selection area at the bottom, tap [Details >] to view both registered group templates and My Templates.
  5. Select [My Templates], then tap the Add Template button in the bottom-right corner.
  6. Choose the Schedule Type and input the required details for each type.

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